Home Retirement The last Social Security payment for March arrives in one week for this group of Americans only

The last Social Security payment for March arrives in one week for this group of Americans only

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Every retiree in the United States has access to one Social Security retirement check per month. This rule is very easy to understand, as there are no exceptions to this rule. It is true that we might get an extra check each month, but it would not really belong to that month, it would be a late payment.

If the Social Security Administration has not sent us a payment on time in the past, it could pay us twice in the same month. But as we have already mentioned, this extra check would actually belong to a different month. For that reason we would find that we do not have two payments in the month as such.

Be that as it may, in just a week from today we will be able to get the last of the Social Security payments for the month of March. This new payment will only be for a specific group of Americans who meet certain mandatory requirements. If we do not meet them, the payment will arrive on a different day.

Requirements for the next Social Security payment in March

There are only two requirements to meet if we want to get this new Social Security payment in March. The day of the check will be March 27th and it will be the last of the payments that the Administration will send this month.

You will not get a new Social Security payment unless you meet the requirements

Also, we should check that we meet the conditions before looking at the calendar day:

  • Have a Social Security payment since after May 1997.
  • Have a birthday between the 21st and 31st of any month.

These two requirements will make us part of retiree group 4. This group always gets the benefit on the fourth Wednesday of the month. And in this case, the fourth Wednesday of the month will be March 27th.

How to get the retirement payment faster?

There is only one way to get your Social Security payment immediately. As soon as the Administration sends the check it will take about three days for the money to appear in the bank account. However, activating Direct Deposit will make the money appear immediately.

So if you activate this collection method you will not have to wait a moment to get the check. Therefore, it is advisable to do so if we do not want to have to wait any longer to use the benefit for what we need.

Without Direct Deposit we will be able to get Social Security anyway, but it will take about three days to arrive, as we have already mentioned. This is not a long time, but for some retirees it may be too late.

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