Home Retirement MAGA Republicans would Raise the Retirement Age — and if they get a chance: End this “Stupid Idea”

MAGA Republicans would Raise the Retirement Age — and if they get a chance: End this “Stupid Idea”

by admin

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Talk about “stupid ideas” — making seniors work till they die, is about the “stupidest way” to Make.America.Great.Again — that I have ever heard of.  But then again, so is most of their grievance-filled agenda:

Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It’s insane that we haven’t raised the retirement age in the United States.”

He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

www.usatoday.com — March 13, 2024

That’s “compassionate conservatism” for you:  Work until you drop.  Earn your way — or be cast off on the ice floe … to contend with the hungry wolves and bears … (insurance companies and landlords).

Hope you packed enough blankets.

Nice — not.

Although this conservative “agenda-setter” may be overstating what he really thinks (not likely) — he in effect, is giving cover to the less-brash members of his podcast audience, to push for the Safety Net cuts that the think-tank bean-crunchers really want to see inflicted;  on life-long American workers.

Message received, loud and clear:

The House Republican Study Committee (RSC), a caucus of 176 House Republican members, has proposed multiple harsh changes to Social Security in its fiscal year 2024 budget. Although the budget is vague on details, a press conference held by the RSC Spending and Budget Task Force and reporting from Roll Call indicate that the budget proposes to raise the retirement age at which Americans can receive full Social Security benefits to 69. This would cut the benefits of future beneficiaries by about 13 percent. The budget also recommends two harmful benefit cuts for future beneficiaries of the Social Security retirement program, and it would make harsh changes to the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Together, these proposals would cut $718 billion over 10 years from the Social Security program and mean further spending reductions in later years. Congress and the president should reject these proposed changes.

Workers who are currently age 59 would have only 3 years to adjust their retirement plans

According to Roll Call, the RSC proposal would give workers who are 59 today only three years to make adjustments to their planned retirement age, savings, and other financial choices in response to the gradual phase-in of a higher retirement age and/or reduced Social Security benefits. This is not enough time and will likely result in unnecessary hardship.

The RSC budget makes two additional changes to the Social Security retirement program that are harmful. The first would reduce benefits for future beneficiaries who as workers earn $80,652 or more annually (in today’s dollars) and who are currently younger than age 59.*** The budget suggests that workers with these incomes are “wealthy” and can afford this change, but many still struggle to make ends meet. […]

The second change would limit and phase out so-called auxiliary benefits for future beneficiaries who as workers earn $80,652 or more annually (in today’s dollars) and who are currently younger than age 59.*** Under current law, an important auxiliary benefit is the spouse’s insurance benefit. The spouse of a worker who retires and who has no earnings of their own—and hence no retirement benefit of their own—may receive a spouse’s insurance benefit that is equal to one-half of the worker’s retirement benefit. The spouse may have had no earnings or limited earnings because of time spent out of the workforce due to raising children, providing caregiving for other family members, poor health, or limited job opportunities. […]

www.americanprogress.org — Sept 22, 2023

How DARE you American Worker ever think the social contract you’ve agreed to — and PAID INTO — with every FICA deduction from every paycheck, you’ve ever earned — would one day actually be honored?

MAGA Republicans think your faith in that “Democratic New Deal” promise is naive and misguided, at best.  Because you see, in their grand plan, you get what you work for, and KEEP working for No hand outs for you!

How Dare You!   We have Corporations who really need their Tax Cuts.

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Fortunately for usthe real party of compassionate solutions —  as recent polling shows:  your average Republican Voter is NOT on board with that “ice floes” approach to dealing with seniors:

The majority of Republican voters are concerned about potential cuts to Social Security and Medicare, according to polling conducted by Navigator Research.

Responding to a statement asking whether they were concerned regarding GOP plans for tax breaks being given to wealthy individuals and large corporations that would result in cuts to Social Security and Medicare, 61 percent of Republican respondents indicated they were either somewhat or very concerned.

The survey was conducted between February 15 and February 19 this year, polling 1,000 registered voters from across the country.

www.newsweek.com — March 8, 2024

Dems would be wise to press this “Retire with Dignity” issue early and often.

It’s in Republicans proposed budget afterall:  to make seniors pay and pay and pay.   Hell, some of them would rather we get rid of the retirement age entirely — that we should feel lucky they are only raising it 4 years!

Silly workers.   Get with the MAGA Program America, they are only “looking out for you” — Retirees die young, without work, doncha know?  

Now clock in, grandma and grandpa.    Just don’t earn over 80K when you do.

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Welcome to your “golden years” American Voters — if MAGA Republican leaders get their way.

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