Home News Legendary Forbes Leaders, Old And New

Legendary Forbes Leaders, Old And New

by admin

This story appears in the December/January 2025 issue of Forbes Magazine. Subscribe

When I arrived at Forbes out of college, two veterans took me under their wings: Howard Rudnitsky, an in-house financial analyst who could scan any 10-K and instantly find a great story, and Marlene Mandel, the no-nonsense copy chief who treasured every word. They made me more numerate and literate, respectively. Howard and Marlene passed away recently, and I noted proudly how more than 20 former colleagues self-organized a Zoom call to swap stories and celebrate two legends, each contributing immeasurably toForbes’ excellence.

Returning to Forbes in 2011 after a 15-year hiatus, I learned from two current legends. Mike Federle, known to all as Fed, joined Forbes as chief operating officer at the same time I came back, being named CEO in 2017. In accelerating our shift from a magazine company to a digitally driven global symbol of capitalism, with operations in 69 countries and new offerings in everything from data products to recommendation platforms, Fed created a dynamic, profitable media company while peers stalled or flagged. And in retiring at year end, Fed practiced what Forbes preaches: leaving on top. His annual mantra, on making Forbes the industry’s best place to work, was an intentionally qualitative goal designed to push his team, whom he empowered liberally, for quantitative improvement. Instructive leadership, which inspired me.

That leadership mantle now falls to Sherry Phillips, who over the course of her three decades at Forbes has overseen the business side of most of our tentpole areas, from luxury and lifestyle to live events, before her appointment to chief revenue officer in 2022. I’ve been honored to work by her side: She leads collaboratively, serves selflessly and always, always seeks to protect our mission and brand.

Already a legend, Sherry is now part of Forbes’ history, too, as our first female CEO. She’ll write her own chapter now, at a place cognizant that climbing to unprecedented heights starts along the road others have paved since 1917.

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