Earlier this week, President-Elect Donald Trump declared himself a “big believer” in the polio vaccine, having already previously called it “the greatest thing.” He’s absolutely right. The story of the polio vaccine is not only one of saving lives but also a powerful testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the American spirit. It’s a story of progress driven by the dedication of scientists, health workers, Rotarians, and the American public.
Trump, born just nine years before the first polio vaccine was licensed in the U.S., grew up during a time when polio was a pervasive and terrifying threat. In the years following World War II, the U.S. faced a resurgent polio epidemic that paralyzed and killed thousands. Between 1948 and 1955, according to a history compiled by the Mayo Clinic, the virus spread with such ferocity that parents kept their children away from swimming pools, public gatherings, cinemas and even schools.
For those old enough to remember, the fear was palpable. Jan Nichols, a New Yorker, was just six years old when she survived a polio epidemic that devastated her community. In her memoirs, Twin Voices, Jan writes how in her classroom of 24 students, eight were diagnosed with paralytic polio. Three died, including her twin brother, Frankie. “We never knew a day without each other,” Jan recalls in her memoirs. “Then suddenly, in just a few days, Frankie was dead, [and] I was fighting for my life… This was the horror of polio before vaccines were available.”
Jan’s story was tragically common. In 1952 alone, the U.S. recorded 57,628 cases of polio, leaving thousands paralyzed or dead, according to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. It seemed that Americans were destined to live in fear every summer—until the nation responded with an unprecedented effort.
America’s First Moonshot: The Vision to Defeat Polio
A decade and a half before America sent a man to the moon, the country embarked on its first “moonshot”: to develop a vaccine for polio. The campaign galvanized the nation, with ordinary Americans literally sending dimes to the White House to fund the effort. The result was historic, as grippingly told by Pulitzer Prize winning author, David M. Oshinsky, in his epic work, Polio: An American Story, who described the impact of Salk’s vaccine as setting off “one of the greatest celebrations in modern American history.”
In April 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk announced the successful development of the first polio vaccine. In response to a question about patenting the vaccine, Salk famously said, “The people own it. Could you patent the sun?” His selflessness and innovation led to one of the greatest achievements in medical science. Within just a few years, polio cases in the U.S. plummeted.
By the 1960s, another American scientist, Dr. Albert Sabin, advanced the fight further by developing the oral polio vaccine—those famous “two drops.” This innovation made mass vaccination campaigns feasible, and by 1979, the U.S. was declared polio-free.
The challenge, however, extended far beyond America’s borders. How could the vaccine reach the millions still at risk in other parts of the world? Enter another great American-founded institution: Rotary International.
Quest for a Polio Free World: Civic Leadership on a Global Scale
Founded in 1905 by Illinois attorney Paul Harris, Rotary International exemplifies the kind of civic association that American political scientist Robert Putnam celebrates in his seminal works, Bowling Alone and The Upswing (and now the subject of Netflix film, Join or Die). They foster mutual trust and reciprocity, strengthening civic health and society. Rotary, with its global reach and humanitarian ethos, embodies the spirit of collective action that Putnam describes as central to America’s past successes—and a model for its future.
By the 1970s, Rotary had grown into a global network of tens of thousands of clubs. Inspired by the eradication of smallpox in 1979, then-Rotary President Clem Renouff of Australia proposed the organization pursue an audacious goal: to make polio the second disease eradicated from the world. Polio’s characteristics—its reliance on human hosts to thrive and the availability of effective vaccines—made it a suitable target for complete eradication. Nonetheless, Skepticism abounded that such a goal was feasible, and not least that it could be spearheaded by a civic organization run mostly by volunteers. But Rotary persisted, funding a pilot vaccination campaign in the Philippines. The early success of this initiative set the stage for a global commitment.
In 1988, the world came together to launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), with Rotary playing a pivotal role. Rotary’s grassroots fundraising, volunteer mobilization, and advocacy efforts united governments and organizations in a shared mission. As just one powerful example of this, on a personal level, Ramesh Ferris, a Rotarian who contracted polio as a child in India and was adopted in Canada, became a leading advocate. In 2008, Ramesh hand-cycled across Canada to raise awareness and successfully lobbied – alongside mutliple Rotarians – political leaders from all parties to extend their support. Since 1988, Canada has committed over CAD $1 billion to the cause. In 2026, for his part, still determined and committed as ever, Ferris will serve as a district governor in Canada’s Yukon region—a testament to the enduring impact of Rotary’s work.
In total, since the GPEI’s launch, global polio cases have decreased by 99%, from 350,000 annually to just a handful in two endemic countries. Once eradicated, the benefits will be transformative. A recent economic analysis, published by the Society for Risk Analysis, estimates the financial savings and health gains from polio eradication at $28 billion (in 2019 dollars). The ripple effects will extend beyond health, symbolizing what global cooperation can achieve.
To be clear, we are not past the finish line just yet. Recent detections of polio in wastewater systems in Europe and other regions serve as stark reminders of the virus’s resilience. Polio is a master of survival, capable of reemerging quickly even after seeming defeat. This is why the phrase remains true: as long as polio exists anywhere, it is a threat everywhere. No one wants to see a return to the dark days when children lay in hospital wards, paralyzed, confined to ghastly iron lungs. This is why the unique global partnership spearheaded by Rotary International – supported every step of the way since the very beginning by the American public – must persevere, staying focused and resolute until the very last case of polio.
Leadership Lessons from the Polio Campaign
America’s role in this journey—from the development of the vaccine to its enduring support for eradication efforts—remains a shining example of innovation. The bold vision to develop a vaccine, followed by an unrelenting commitment to a polio-free world, reflect the best of the American spirit. As President-Elect Donald Trump rightly noted, the polio vaccine is “the greatest thing.” It unquestionably represents what can be achieved when innovation, perseverance, and collaboration converge. as a testament to what can be achieved when innovation, determination, and collaboration come together. As we edge closer to eradicating this devastating disease, Trump’s endorsement serves as a timely reminder of the power of public health triumphs to unite and inspire us all. Now is the time to recommit ourselves to ending polio once and for all.