Home News How To Make The Most Of Being A High-Potential Employee

How To Make The Most Of Being A High-Potential Employee

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Being identified as a high-potential (HiPo) employee is exciting. It can also be overwhelming. On one hand, it signals that leaders in your organization see you as someone with exceptional talent and the capability to take on leadership roles. On the other hand, it comes with expectations to continuously grow, deliver results, and excel. If you’re a HiPo, understanding how to make the most of this distinction can be a key factor in accelerating your career. Here are 9 ways to capitalize on this opportunity.

1. Understand What It Means to Be a High-Potential Employee

Being tagged as a high-potential employee doesn’t just mean you’re good at your current job, it’s about the future–your ability to adapt, grow, and lead within the organization. HiPos are typically identified for their leadership potential, strategic thinking, adaptability, and strong performance.

It’s important to understand the distinction between potential and performance. While your current performance has contributed to your HiPo designation, your potential is connected to your ability to expand beyond your current role, handle challenging problems, and lead others. It’s about your long-term trajectory in the organization, not just your short-term wins.

2. Become Keenly Self Aware

High-potential employees tend to have a natural aptitude for leadership, but leadership is a skill that requires development. One of the most important skills to develop is being self-aware. Self-awareness is the first step in the personal branding process, the foundation for emotional intelligence, and the key to being an authentic leader. Reflect on the key drivers of your personal brand–Values, Passions, Superpowers, Differentiators, Goals, and Purpose. Then, seek constructive feedback from your managers, mentors, and peers to understand your strengths and areas for improvement from the outside in. Regular feedback will give you insights into how others perceive your leadership qualities and whether you’re developing the necessary competencies for your future role.

3. Embrace Lifelong Learning

HiPo employees are often characterized by their curiosity and interest in learning. It’s crucial to have a growth mindset and be committed to ongoing professional development. Don’t wait for your boss to offer you training or new opportunities. Be proactive in seeking out courses, certifications, or cross-functional projects that can help you build new skills. Read, participate in workshops, and network with other high-performing individuals inside and outside your industry to stay on top of emerging trends and innovative practices.

4. Grow Your Communications Skills

Leaders know that communication skills are critical to being able to influence, inspire, and impact stakeholders. Regardless of how strong your communication skills are, you can always enhance them. These efforts will never be wasted. Identify the areas that need the most improvement–listening, delivering presentations, writing, being on video, etc. and seek ways to amp up the way you express yourself.

5. Leverage Mentoring And Sponsorship

Mentors and sponsors are vital to maximizing your potential. Mentors provide guidance, offer advice, and share their experiences to help you focus on what’s important. Sponsors go beyond that, actively advocating for you. As a HiPo employee, identify senior leaders within your organization who can serve as mentors and sponsors. These relationships can provide insights into the organization’s strategic goals and how you can align your personal brand with the company’s direction. And what can you offer them in return? Reverse mentor on topics where you excel.

6. Take On Stretch Assignments

To truly develop your potential, step outside of your comfort zone. Stretch assignments–projects or tasks that push your current skill set–are a powerful way to do this. These assignments offer exposure to new areas of the business, test your problem-solving abilities, and give you the chance to demonstrate leadership while enhancing your internal network. The more you expose yourself to various facets of the company, the better equipped you’ll be to take on leadership roles in the future. New Manager Development Consultant, Melissa Janis said, “It’s worth noting that predicting leadership potential can be tricky, and many organizations rely solely on leader observations to identify high potential. Taking on new challenges is a great way to reinforce the perception of your high potential and demonstrate your readiness for growth.”

7. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Technical skills and industry knowledge are important, but emotional intelligence (EQ) is what sets high-potential employees apart from the rest. Being able to navigate interpersonal relationships, manage stress, and stay attuned to the needs of others is essential for anyone who seeks to lead. HiPos who cultivate emotional intelligence are better at building trust, managing teams, and driving engagement. These are the qualities that help turn high-potential employees into effective leaders.

8. Stay Humble And Focus On Impact

While it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of being labeled a HiPo, it’s crucial to remain humble. Don’t assume that the title guarantees success, gives you permission to boast, or signifies a permanent status. Janis reminds us, “Succession planning is typically an annual activity, updated to reflect changes in staffing and business needs. As a result, HiPo designations can change from year to year.” Instead, focus on delivering tangible results and making a positive impact within the organization. Be known for your contributions, not just your potential. High-potential employees who remain grounded and team-oriented are often the ones who advance the furthest.

9. Be Ready For The Next Challenge

Being a HiPo employee means you should always be ready for what’s next. Whether it’s a leadership role, a new strategic initiative, or a lateral move into a different part of the organization, stay open to the opportunities that arise. Flexibility and a readiness to take on new challenges are key to keeping your career trajectory moving forward.

Being identified as a high-potential employee is an incredible opportunity, and it’s only the beginning. Commit to growing and increasing your impact. When you do, you’ll not only meet but exceed the high expectations that come with being a HiPo.

A pioneer in personal branding and virtual presentation skills, William Arruda helps professionals stand out in the digital world. Download his free guide 9 Fun and Easy Ways to Rev Up Your Online Meetings and Presentations and transform your online events into powerful, engaging, branded experiences.

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