Home News How Will The 2024 Election Impact Your Job? Changes To Expect At Work

How Will The 2024 Election Impact Your Job? Changes To Expect At Work

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The 2024 election could bring major changes to your workplace—whether you’re in HR, a team leader, or an employee. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have very different approaches to labor laws, unions, diversity programs, and technology in the workplace. These shifts might impact you directly, so here’s what you can expect and what you can do to stay ahead.

How Will The Election Impact Labor Laws?

If Trump Wins: Expect fewer regulations. Companies may have more flexibility with how they classify employees (think freelancers vs. full-time staff). For gig workers, this could mean changes in benefits or job status, so it’s important to stay informed.

If Harris Wins: Stronger worker protections could come into play, including a higher minimum wage and expanded family leave. While this could mean more benefits for you, companies may need time to adapt, so changes might not happen immediately.

Something To Consider: When California introduced new gig worker laws, companies like Uber and Lyft had to rethink their worker classifications. You might see similar shifts at your own company, depending on how the election goes.

How Will The Election Affect Union Influence?

If Trump Wins: Union activity might decrease, especially if fewer regulations are put in place to support organizing. This could mean less pressure to unionize, but companies will still need to focus on employee satisfaction to avoid workplace issues.

If Harris Wins: Expect more union influence. This could lead to stronger job protections, particularly if you’re in a unionized industry. You may see more negotiations around wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Something To Consider: Companies like Amazon have faced increasing pressure from workers to unionize, especially during leadership changes. Depending on the election results, you might see more—or fewer—attempts like this at your own workplace.

How Will The Election Impact Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion (DEI) Programs?

If Trump Wins: DEI initiatives may receive less government support, but most companies will likely continue these programs. DEI is a key factor in attracting top talent, so you can expect companies to stay committed to fairness and inclusion, even without a regulatory push.

If Harris Wins: There may be stronger government oversight on DEI programs. Policies around pay equity, anti-discrimination, and diversity could become more visible, and companies might have to follow stricter guidelines for reporting and transparency.

Something To Consider: When Starbucks faced backlash over its handling of diversity issues, the company responded by doubling down on DEI efforts. Regardless of political changes, many companies will take similar action to protect their brand and reputation.

How Will The Election Influence AI And Technology In The Workplace?

If Trump Wins: With fewer regulations on AI, companies might adopt technology more quickly to streamline hiring and performance management. While this could lead to greater efficiency, it’s essential to understand how AI might impact your job and how decisions are made.

If Harris Wins: Expect stricter regulations around AI, especially when it comes to fairness and preventing bias. You may see more transparency in how AI tools are used to make hiring, promotion, and performance decisions.

Something To Consider: Large companies like IBM and Google have been early adopters of AI in their HR practices. Depending on how the election goes, your company might follow suit—either with more freedom or under stricter oversight.

What Can You Do To Prepare For Changes After The 2024 Election?

  • Stay Informed: Watch for changes in labor laws, benefits, and workplace technology that may affect your role directly.
  • Engage With Your Workplace: Be part of the conversation. If you see changes coming that impact you, speak up and ask questions.
  • Advocate For Fairness: Whether it’s ensuring equitable pay or making sure AI is used responsibly, be a voice for fairness in your workplace.
  • Stay Flexible: Depending on the election outcome, things might change quickly. Be prepared to adapt to new technologies, policies, or work environments.

What Can HR And Organizations Do To Prepare for Changes After the 2024 Election?

  • Stay Proactive: HR departments should begin evaluating how labor laws, union activity, and DEI regulations may impact their hiring practices, benefits, and employee engagement.
  • Audit DEI And AI Practices: Regular audits of DEI initiatives and AI tools will help ensure compliance with potential new regulations and ensure fair, transparent processes.
  • Enhance Employee Engagement: With changes in benefits or workplace regulations on the horizon, it’s crucial to maintain open communication with employees to address concerns and minimize disruption.

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