Home News Time Management Hacks From The World’s Most Successful Leaders

Time Management Hacks From The World’s Most Successful Leaders

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Successful leaders don’t have more hours in the day than the rest of us, but they know how to use their time better. They’re not just busy; they’re effective. They’ve mastered the art of time management to focus on what truly matters, cutting out distractions and low-value tasks.

If you’re looking to get more out of your day, take a page out of their playbook and make every minute count. Here’s how successful leaders manage their time differently.

How top leaders manage their time for success

Set priorities and stick to them

You might know your priorities. But are you sticking to them, or letting yourself get sidetracked? Successful leaders know what’s important and focus on those tasks first. They don’t waste time on things that don’t move the needle. No excuses.

Warren Buffett, for example, is known for his “two-list” strategy: write down your top 25 goals, circle the five most important, and avoid the rest at all costs. Stay laser-focused on what really matters instead of getting distracted by less important tasks.

To use this approach, start each day by identifying your top three priorities. These should be the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your goals. Focus on getting these done first, before moving on to anything else. Ensure your time is not just spent doing what other people think is urgent.

Eliminate unnecessary decisions

Decision fatigue is real. Business leaders who made it big streamline their routines to reduce the number of choices they have to make each day. Mark Zuckerberg is famous for wearing the same style of clothes daily, so he doesn’t waste mental energy deciding what to wear.

This principle extends beyond wardrobe choices; top leaders automate or simplify any area they can. Start by simplifying your routine. Create templates for repeated tasks, automate your schedule, or set standard responses for common questions.

Spend money to improve your life, which includes making fewer decisions on inconsequential things. Get your VA to handle the mundane parts of your week. The less time you spend on small decisions, the more mental energy you’ll have for the big ones. Free up your brainpower for where it’s needed most.

Guard your time fiercely

Top leaders treat their time as their most valuable asset, and they protect it fiercely. IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad scheduled his day in ten-minute blocks, ensuring every minute was accounted for. This tight control helps him stay focused and avoid the time sinks that can easily derail a busy schedule.

Manage your minutes with precision. To guard your time, block out your calendar for focused work. Set clear boundaries for meetings, emails, and other activities that tend to eat away at your day.

Say no to things that don’t align with your priorities, and be ruthless about eliminating distractions. It’s up to you to protect your time.

Delegate and let go

No one made it really big alone. No one is really self-made. Successful business owners delegate effectively, trusting their team to handle tasks that don’t require their direct involvement.

Jeff Bezos talks about the importance of making high-quality decisions quickly, and a big part of that is knowing when to hand things off. The purpose of freeing your time is to do things only you can do. “If somebody can do something 80 percent as good as you think you would have done it yourself, then delegate!” said Spanx founder Sara Blakely

Start strong. Identify tasks that others can handle, then let go and empower your team to take ownership. Build the skills and confidence of those around you so they are empowered to excel when you’re not even there.

Master time management like the world’s top leaders

Don’t be busy, be effective. Set priorities and stick to them, eliminate unnecessary decisions, guard your time fiercely then delegate and let go. Copy the world’s most successful leaders to find yourself getting more done, with less stress, and more focus on what really matters. Take control, have intention, and do more with your week.

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