Home News 7 Journaling Prompts For Winter Reflecting And Decision-Making

7 Journaling Prompts For Winter Reflecting And Decision-Making

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PURPOSESCAPING is a framework that guides my executive coaching work with high achievers. It’s an agricultural metaphor that loosely mirrors the farming work that took place in the Southeast region of the United States where my family took root.

According to this philosophy, the winter season of any life cycle is a time to reflect, make decisions, and rest. But it can be difficult to know where to start with your decision-making and reflecting.

Here are a 7 journal prompts to guide your winter reflecting and decision-making.

Journal Prompt 1 – What worked well this year?

Here’s the chance to get honest with yourself and tell the truth about what went well. What surprised you? What is something you are so happy went your way this year? Perhaps there was a work project that you didn’t anticipate being a part of or family travel that ended up creating more connection and engagement within your home. Investigate what’s working so you can dissect the ingredients that support you and help you to thrive.

Journaling Prompt 2 – What MOVED me this year?

Another way to frame this question would be what energized me this year? Your energy does not lie so use it as a compass to help you see where your points of alignment are. Use your energy and what moved you to make decisions about what you plan to intentionally experience more of in the coming year.

Journaling Prompt 3 – What do I plan to keep?

Remember – from wardrobe items to relationships to careers — just because something is working doesn’t mean you have to keep it in your life. As seasons change, some activities may expire. But if there are things that are still working in your life and you would like to keep them and move forward with them in the next year, write them down. Keep in mind something can still technically be working for other people and not you; in which case you don’t have to keep it.

Journaling Prompt 4 – What has expired?

What is no longer working? Here’s the chance to get radically honest and tell the truth about what is no longer working. In this case, something could work well for someone else, but it just no longer works well for you. This could be your professional role or job, your industry, or your relationships. Be honest with yourself and tell the truth about what no longer feels aligned for you.

Journaling Prompt 5 – What do I plan to leave behind?

What aspect of your life, brand, or career do you plan to leave behind? Perhaps there are services that no longer feel inspired to offer to your clients, or a career ladder you are no longer interested in climbing because the summit no longer motivates you. Getting clear on what you will leave behind helps you make room for the new things you will call in.

Journaling Prompt 6 – What am I hungry for more of?

Acknowledging your hunger and what is missing for you to feel satisfied with your life can be difficult. But it is one of the fastest ways to get to the heart of what strategic actions you need to take to feel like your most aligned self. Your hungers could include anything from more career visibility and recognition to more fun, travel, adventure, connection, community, or even rest. The key here is to be radically honest about what you wish there was more of on your plate.

Journaling Prompt 7 – What do I intend to seed in my life in the coming spring planting season?

After winter comes spring and according to PURPOSESCAPING, winter is the time to make decisions about what you will plant in the spring. When it comes to your life, this means what will you focus on, what will you start? What will you invest new energy into in hopes of growth throughout the year? Perhaps your dream is to finally write a book. If that is the case, your spring planting work may be fleshing out your book idea or writing a book proposal and clarifying what the book is about before you begin to write. Remember, the fall harvest of any big project begins with a seed. Now is an ideal time to choose which seeds you’ll plant come spring.

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