Home News 5 Ways To Boost Your Motivation At Work

5 Ways To Boost Your Motivation At Work

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Motivation is what gets employees to come to work every day. Yet, staying professionally engaged can be challenging—especially for Gen Z. Based on a survey of nearly 1,000 U.S. leaders by Intelligent.com, one in six managers say they’re hesitant to hire recent college grads again. The reason? Fifty percent of those surveyed cited a lack of motivation at work.

It’s not just Gen Z that’s feeling demotivated at the office. According to Gallup, U.S. employee engagement sank to 31% in 2024—a 10-year low. Many workers want to make a job or career change but are staying put in the short term due to economic uncertainty.

If you find yourself struggling to stay engaged, there are things you can do to get excited about doing your best. Here are five ways to boost your motivation at work.

Reduce unnecessary distractions

According to a report from software company Unily, nearly 50% of employees are distracted at least once every 30 minutes during the workday. Even more shocking, almost a third of respondents report being distracted at least once every 15 minutes. One way to stay motivated at work is to reduce multitasking. Instead, embrace single-tasking by focusing on one project at a time. Also, take scheduled breaks during the day. After stepping away from the computer, you’ll be more likely to feel refreshed. Reducing unnecessary meetings is another way to minimize distractions at work. If you determine that the meeting agenda can be covered via email, you can work asynchronously, allowing for more productive conversations.

Set achievable goals

Sometimes, a lack of motivation at work stems from overwhelm. If you have more work than you can handle, set smaller, more attainable daily goals. Research shows a causal relationship between setting goals and achieving results. According to a PwC study, people who set at least four daily goals per week were 34% more likely to hit their KPI targets than those who didn’t. Prioritize your projects so that you identify what is most critical. Also, celebrate small wins along the way. When you set milestones and achieve them, it boosts morale. Finally, if you have difficulty prioritizing tasks, seek advice from your manager. Collaborating and offering solutions will turn your manager into a partner and ally.

Focus on family

Work and family life are often viewed to be in constant conflict. So, it may come as a surprise that family can provide a significant source of motivation at work, according to a study published in the Academy of Management. The research shows that family motivation boosts job performance by increasing energy and reducing stress. The most obvious reason is that you want to ensure your family has the financial resources they need. Also, you may look at work as a source of pride when you share accomplishments with people you care about. If you’re a parent, you want to exemplify a strong work ethic for your children. Family also helps to provide perspective. For example, if you’re having a bad day, the love and support of your family remind you what’s truly important. Focusing on them makes it easier to overcome your challenges and find meaning in your work.

Shift your perspective

People with a growth mindset develop more resilience than those with a scarcity mindset. With a growth mindset, you are more likely to challenge yourself, achieve more and become a creative problem solver. Also, your intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. So, rather than giving in to feelings of negativity, shift your perspective. If you’re having difficulty maintaining motivation at work, ask yourself why. Begin to view the challenge not as a failure but as a learning experience. Is there a lesson you can learn? Actively reflect on your predicament and identify ways you can improve. Then, use those realizations to change your thoughts and approach. By redirecting your attention from negative emotions to positive feelings, you’ll derive valuable lessons that will inform future situations.

Master new skills

Another way to unlock motivation at work is to build your skills. Learning new skills provides a sense of accomplishment and creates a feeling of personal growth, which leads to greater engagement. You also feel like you are progressing in your career, which is a strong intrinsic motivator. Think about ways to align learning and development with your career goals. For example, you might take advantage of company training, attend a webinar or register for a certification course. If your company doesn’t have formal training, look for mentors who can provide you with support and valuable insights. Finally, consider cross-training or shadowing employees from different teams. Any way you can actively seek opportunities to learn and collaborate will help boost your motivation at work.

Whether you work at home or in an office, staying motivated can be challenging. By investing time and energy in these strategies, you’ll look at the world in a more positive way. Only then can you experience higher levels of motivation and engagement.

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