Home News 3 Signs You’re Getting Rejected Because You’re Overqualified

3 Signs You’re Getting Rejected Because You’re Overqualified

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Applying for jobs that seem perfect for your skills but not getting the interviews and job offers you expected?

It can be disheartening and frustrating when you have years of experience in your career but you’re constantly hearing “thanks, but no thanks” when applying to new positions. You might start to wonder if there’s something wrong with your resume and you may even blame the job market for your job search troubles.

But, what if the problem isn’t your resume or the job market? What if the real issue is you’re aiming too low? Here are three signs you’re getting overlooked because you’re overqualified for the roles you’re targeting.

The salary is always too low.

If your excitement for potential job opportunities constantly fades because the salary is always lower than what you currently earn, it’s not because companies aren’t paying well anymore. It’s a sign that you’re pursuing roles that don’t align with your seniority level.

Choosing to still apply for roles below your compensation expectations often results in rejection—even if you make it to the final round of interviews. The hiring manager might question if hiring you is worth the risk since it’s evident you’re more experienced than required. They might worry that it won’t be a long-term fit and that you’ll quickly jump ship when something better comes your way, which is probably true if you’re also unfulfilled with the salary offer.

You get feedback that you’re perfect.

If you’re repeatedly left confused because you receive tons of compliments during interviews, it might be time to reflect on the type of feedback you’re receiving. For instance, are interviewers typically blown away by your experience, complimenting you with curiosity as to why you applied for the position? While they seem impressed, do they also ask clarifying questions to get a sense of your long-term goals and how they align with the role?

If you’ve heard these comments or questions in your interviews, you’re likely aiming for roles beneath your experience level. A major red flag is when an interviewer outright tells you that you seem overqualified. While it might sound like a compliment, the interviewer may leave feeling there’s a mismatch between your skills and the job’s requirements. In some cases, when the interviewer sees your potential, they might even pass on you because they think you’re too good for the role or fear you’ll get bored quickly.

You’re not getting interviews.

If you’ve been secretly feeling embarrassed because you’re applying for jobs and getting crickets even though you’ve never struggled to land a job before, the good news is this can be fixed by reassessing the roles you’re pursuing. Applying for roles you’re overqualified for may feel like a hack to land a new job faster, but, in truth, it can cause recruiters to toss your application to the side in favor of other applicants who match the level of experience needed for the role.

For example, I once worked with a client who was frustrated with her job search because she wasn’t landing any interviews. When we reviewed the roles she was targeting, the problem became crystal clear: she was applying for positions that required only 3-4 years of experience when she had over 9 years of experience. As soon as she set her sights on higher positions and elevated the way she relayed her skills and expertise, everything changed. She landed interviews at multiple companies and eventually secured a role far better than the one she wanted to leave. Now, she’s making more money and doing work she actually enjoys.

Applying for roles beneath your level of expertise isn’t a shortcut to job offers. In fact, it will likely lead to constant rejections and burnout in your job search. To fix this, take a moment to consider the seniority level that more adequately aligns with your years of experience. Then, pursue positions that better fit the current stage of your career. Doing so will boost your chances of getting hired for a role that’s a win-win for you and the company.

Adunola Adeshola coaches high-achievers on how to take their careers to the next level and secure new jobs they love without applying 24/7, starting over or settling for less. Grab her guide on how to land job offers.

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